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Sunday, 22 February 2015

Marketing through E-mail and Issues Surrounding it

Email Marketing is one of the forms of direct marketing, which is done via Internet. Emails are sent to potential customers to boost the business, and gain the trust of the customer by disclosing relevant information and help them to make good shopping decisions. It also enhances the relationship with a current customer, by repeating business with them. In simple words the procedure of sending emails to customers is known as email marketing. 

The major advantage of email marketing is that it doesn’t consume a lot of time, is negligible resource consuming and is also cost-efficient. Within a short period, a large audience can be targeted. Since the customers can be directly reached, feedback can be collected with ease. In terms of cost also it is not as expensive as newsletters. Reports have proven that this is the next best marketing technique after search marketing. It is effective in tracking the returns on investments. 

Email marketing is a modernized version of mail marketing. The advantage over direct mail marketing is that it takes less time to reach a customer than mailing. Like people check their mailboxes daily, inbox is also checked by majority of the Internet users on a daily basis. Over the period of time, lots of helpful tools and web services have been developed. List host is web service that provides lots of options to the marketers like managing huge emails and email address database. There are some advantages or disadvantages for email marketing

  1. Easy to create
  2. Easy to track
  3. Easy to share
  4.        Segment User and Customer Database Information
  5. Reduce Overhead Costs
  6. Save the Planet with Email Marketing!


Monday, 9 February 2015

Before and after your job interview

With so many people seeking employment, how could one make it to an available slot? Well, the resume matters, it is the best reflection of how qualified is you for a certain position. In order for you to make it for that job position, you need to equip your self with the weapons to excel over the other applicants. That is, to impress the employer in your job interview.

What must you do?

Before the interview:

  • Know the company you are applying for. How could you do this? Research about the facts and figures of that company you are eyeing.
  • Expect the questions to be asked and be prepared to answer the. On the other hand, be prepared to ask questions.
  • Make sure that you are prepared with how you would look. The way you dress up would leave impressions to the interviewer.
  •  Do not wear too much accessories, you just have to wear something decent, ironed, and the shoes must be clean as well.
 On the interview:

  • Punctuality matters most. There is a need for you to arrive early for the interview. This would be the best first acts you could do. When you arrive late, this already a move to give your employer a negative impression of you.
  • Act as a professional to everyone you get along with or meet. With this approach, you would be able to introduce your self as someone professional, ready to take the challenges in the arena of professions.
  • Answer questions with the eye contact to your interviewer. Be attentive when he/she asks question.
After the interview:

  • Say thank you to the interview. This is a really great act you could do. This would indeed show that you take the interview as a rich part of your experience.
  • Relax and wait for the results.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

5 things you should never include in your resume

Composing a resume is a difficult task, as we all know. It takes time and patience to fit your whole professional history within one or two pages, and present yourself as the best candidate for the job. While we focus so much of our energy on what to include in our resumes, we forget to stop and think about the information that should never be included. The following five items are at the top of the Resume Don’ts list:

 1. Do not get personal. Any information that discloses your demographics should not be listed in your resume. Your age, race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, marital status, physical appearance, or your personal philosophies are not critical to your job performance, and therefore should never be listed on  on your resume. Your resume is not a list of your hobbies or interests.

2. Do not list salary information or requirements on your resume. This is a strict rule, and you must follow it. Your employer is concerned with what your desired salary is, not what you earned in your first job out of college. 

3.Do not use jargon or too many “big words.” Unless you are absolutely certain that the person reading your resume will understand the terminology you are using, avoid using jargon in your resume. 

4. Do not list your personal web site. As a rule, do not include your personal web site if it contains your photo or other photos that may be viewed as inappropriate, if the site you have is entirely for personal purposes, you are best leaving it off your resume. Only include a link to your web site if the pages are set up to showcase your professional portfolio. 

5. Do not have any typos. The most important factor in achieving a winning resume is proof reading. You want to put your best foot forward. If your resume contains grammar and spelling problems, your potential employer will get an impression that you are not detail-oriented.